Art Workshops including guided Mindful Meditation

Creativity is defined by the ability to use the imagination, to view things from a new perspective, to think outside the box and to come up with innovative ways to approach a task. 

Whether you are working individually or In the workplace, those people who have been most successful are those who have been free to be creative & inventive, finding new solutions to old problems.

So what has this to do with meditation?

Ever sat down to paint and didn't know where to start? Or attended an art workshop and got anxious about how to “make art”? Want to access your intuitive creative voice? In this video I attempt to explain why meditating before creating has a profound effect on your perception and artwork. In my Meditate & Create online weekly classes and corporate art workshops, I guide my participants through a short mindful meditation. After that time, we do an art exercise that is designed to access their intuitive, creative voice, especially useful for those who have never done any art before! Its's amazing what comes out!! Your true inner voice starts to talk to you and guide you. It is sooo exciting to experience (I do it in my own personal art making) and to witness it in my students/participants.

Kathy Leader