How to lead an Artful Life and a Life Full of Art

We tend to think of the art in our lives as that which hangs on the wall. However, there seems to be no clear agreed upon definition. “Art” according to Miriam Webster is defined as “skill acquired by experience, study, or observation”. It also implies a personal, unanalyzable creative power. So when we say: “That person has mastered the art of choosing the right words”, we obviously are judging the words as resonating higher than what has become everyday use of language. The word “intention” seems to be a quality necessary for this to happen.

Now look at the art of living a meaningful life. What does that mean? Could it be living with a quality of intention, mindfulness and awakeness. Not sleep walking through life and getting yanked around by outside forces, but paying keen attention to the beautiful small moments that make up an artful life: A fall leaf, a dog’s eyes, a bird’s song, captivating music, flowers in a vase, poetry, a painting, the list goes on…

I have always insisted that the veil between mindfulness and creativity is thin. Please see my other blogs: Can Meditation Make you a Better Artist? or What is Mindful Mixed Media?

Kathy Leader