The Value of Art Retreats in California
The value of California Art Retreats
The concept of retreat stems from the need to pull back. The idea of “withdrawing” from everyday life to focus on a particular activity. I also like to think of the word as a gift to oneself to re-treat. Only through retreat can we stop the rush of everyday life and take the personal time necessary as an artist.
Why go on an art retreat in California?
"Artist retreats began to appear at the turn of the 19th century, as if in response to the growing urban centers, the rumble of industry and the increasing pace of life. In 1900, the German poet Rainer Marie Rilke wrote “How large the eyes become here!” upon his arrival at Worpswede, the artists’ colony founded in the German town of that name only a year earlier."
Our never ending “keep busy” culture makes the idea of taking time out seem frivolous or self indulgent. However, have you ever been sorry that you took time off for yourself, even a 10 minute walk in nature? It connects us back to ourselves, and to others.
California art retreats can be used as a way to connect back to ourselves.
Spiritual retreats have been known for centuries. Krishnamurti, a famous spiritual leader, "I think it is essential sometimes to go into retreat, to stop everything that you have been doing, to stop your beliefs and experiences completely and look at them anew, not keep on repeating like machines whether you believe or don’t believe. You would let fresh air into your minds.”
In fact, our Our California art retreat in OJAI ART 2 DAY ART RETREAT at the Peppertree Retreat Center is where Krishnamurti lived and taught!
California art retreat in Ojai
Our California art retreat in Ojai if offered for adults at all levels of art experience. The two day mixed media California art retreat is in a beautiful area of Ojai valley, and we will be exploring our art practice amongst the beauty of the orange groves and pure energy of The Peppertree Retreat Center. In the spirit of providing all the classic benefits of the retreat environment, we also offer optional meditation, yoga, and hiking.
If you are interested in getting more information about the next, upcoming California art retreat offered by the Art Process, please click here.