Art as Therapy: Why Art is Important for Your Mental Health
To all of you creatives out there....your time is NOW
There was an Experience Life Study that was done that I found not at all surprising. To measure cortisol levels (an indicator of stress), researchers collected saliva samples from participants before and after their creative work. The results, published in Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, titled “Reduction of Cortisol Levels and Participants’ Responses Following Art Making,” found that 45 minutes of creative activity significantly lessens stress in the body, regardless of artistic experience or talent.
REGARDLESS OF ARTISTIC EXPERIENCE OR TALENT!!!!! Did you hear that? Reaction to stress within the body may increase your heart-rate and elevate blood pressure. When people participate in art they have related feelings of relaxation and a sense of freeness. Both calming qualities for the body to experience.
Art is about the experience of creating not the end result. What you feel in your mind and spirit as when you participate in art, more the euphoria, not the end result. So those of you who are convincing yourselves that you don't have talent, come and participate in THE ART PROCESS activities and experience this for yourself. ART IS THERAPY!
beautiful work from November all day mixed media art workshop: developing your own personal iconography