How to Create a Successful Mixed Media Composition (But still retain the spontaneity)

Abstract Art & Composition

I have always tried to hide my own efforts and wanted my work to have the lightness and joyousness of a springtime which never lets anyone suspect the labors it has cost.
— Henri Matisse
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I love the above quote from Matisse. It embodies the idea that as an artist, you do not want the viewer to be aware of the choices that you are constantly making and changing in order to arrive at something that feels like it expresses what it is you want to express. You may not know what that is (and I encourage my art students to be guided by their intuition). However, you will know when you have reached the ahah! moment. It just feels right…

Balancing Compositional How to’s with Intuitive Painting

As a fine art major in college, I learned a lot of art theory. BUT getting hung up on theory, can remove the spontaneity of expression that I really want for my own art and for my students. It’s a fine balancing act. That is why, the way I teach this process is unique. I will show examples of certain successful abstract compositions and explain what the “labor” was that Matisse was talking about. In the video below, you will see that we are learning about the grid composition. But after we have learned about it, I find a way to encourage free expression by letting it go but have it as a TOOL instead of a guiding force.

Mixed Media & Composition workshop

click to watch demo

6 week online art workshop

This online workshop is working amazingly! Our first group is already underway and they are doing really exciting work. Our next session continues when the other ends so you can sign up anytime. These fill up fast, so grab your spot HERE! The cost for 6 weeks of ongoing lessons, demos and inspiration, is the same as the cost of one PRIVATE lesson. It’s chock full of information coming right out of my many years of practicing as a mixed media artist and creative coach.

I just wanted to let you know that I am very much enjoying your class and I will be signing up for more.  Today was a big help.  Sometimes you forget techniques, and this was a great refresher for me and I also learned some valuable things .
— Cory K.
Kathy Leader