What is Creativity Coaching?

The difference between a teacher and a coach

1.I'm not your traditional teacher! I prefer terms like coach or guide. While I can't teach creativity, I'm here to help anyone interested, to discover their unique creative voice by guided process oriented exercises designed carefully to open up the doorways.

2. My goal is to foster a supportive, inspiring environment where everyone feels free and safe to explore a range of creative approaches. So many art teaching facilities are quite intimidating, I'm aiming for something different.

3. It's all about the journey for me. I've consistently observed that keeping the focus away from the end result brings liberation and interesting revelations. (in my own work too)

4. I blend mindfulness with creativity, in order to cultivate a tranquil and confident atmosphere. Sure, there can be frustrations - creativity isn't a linear process. However, bringing meditation into the process helps to calm the inner critics while opening up to a wider field of possibilities.

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