
LINK EXPIRES IN 24 HOURS! PLEASE DOWNLOAD RIGHT AWAY.Once you have downloaded it, you will have lifetime access to all of the video content and written material. This e-course is a way for anyone working in abstract mediums, to learn how to combine intuition with knowledge. Decollage is the process of collaging and then peeling away the layers. You will learn different applications of this process by following the video tutorial and experimenting on your own. This course is appropriate for ALL levels!
This is one of my favorite techniques used by many contemporary artists such as Mark Bradford. Wikipedia’s definition of Decollage: “ Décollage, is the opposite of collage; instead of an image being built up of all or parts of existing images, it is created by cutting, tearing away or otherwise removing, pieces of an original image.[1] The French word "décollage" translates into English literally as "take-off" or "to become unglued" or "to become unstuck". In this course you will be guided step by step through this fun technique which can be incorporated into any mixed media art pieces of yours.